Educational Mission
At each congress, Les Clefs d’Or brings in top speakers from the hospitality and tourism industries. These speakers impart knowledge on a variety of topics that keep our members on the cutting-edge of new technologies and hospitality trends such as Mr. Filip Boyen, CEO of Forbes Travel Guide (pictured here). Other speakers have included Dr. Sean Achor and Dr. Bryan Williams.
Concierges are life-long learners. Les Clefs d’Or members conduct research on their cities, the latest attractions, and restaurant happenings. They constantly seek new ways to ensure their guests receive a highly customized experiential visit.
Les Clefs d’Or USA is proud to partner with the Timothy S. Y. Lam Foundation, whose mission is to support research, education, and training in the hospitality industry. The Foundation supports our annual Young Leader Award, which sends one concierge from each country to compete on the international stage for “best concierge in the world.”